Last Location: New York City, NY
Arrival Date: October 8, 2011
Departure Date: October 11, 2011
Current Location: Washington, DC
Something good happened recently in law school. I won an International Arbitration Competition. I am ridiculously excited. The story ran on the front page of the Georgetown Law Weekly. So I get to be mildly famous on campus for awhile. And I get to feel like a winner for once, a very rare feeling in law school.
In other law school news, I am in the process of looking for an internship or summer associate position for the summer. My career center is always imploring us to reach out to our social network for these things. If you know any hiring partners at law firms ideally in either New York City or San Francisco, put me in touch. I am also interested in government positions related to contracts and commercial dispute resolution.
I noticed that this is update twenty-eight (28). Twenty-eight is my mom's favorite number because it is the date on which my birthday, her birthday, and my parents' anniversary falls. I am fond of it as well.